Landing Page Job Application Form 1Tell us about yourself2Your availability3The role4Your Consent Unique IDWhat would you like us to call you? Preferred First Name Great! Thanks , now let's get some more details about you. All we will need from you at this stage is your CV to upload. Please make sure there are no gaps in your employment history. If you have been unemployed for any reason, simply make sure there is an explanation.Full Name First Last Please note we need your full name as its shown on your passport or ID document.SexPlease choose...FemaleMalePrefer not to sayThanks , now let's get your contact information and some details about your work history.Email Mobile/Cell PhoneHave you worked for Trinity before? Yes No Confirm you are 18 or over Yes I am 18 or over No I am not 18 or over We are very sorry , but we only have vacancies for individuals who are 18 years old or over. please let us know when you are available to work. The overall dates for our centres are Sunday 16th June 2024 and Tuesday 13th August 2024. Our website states the programme dates for each centre if you would like clarity.Operating Start Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Operating End Date DD slash MM slash YYYY Available from DD slash MM slash YYYY Available to DD slash MM slash YYYY Are there any dates you are unavailable? Yes No Dates you are not available Last step , Tell us about where you would like to work and what it is you are interested in doing.Which country do you want to work in?Please choose...United KingdomUnited StatesItalyRight to work(Required)– Fill Out Other Fields –Which location do you want to work in?(Required)Please choose...– Fill Out Other Fields –Which department do you want to work in?(Required)Please choose...– Fill Out Other Fields –Which role do you want to work in?(Required)Please choose...– Fill Out Other Fields –Teacher Qualifications(Required)CELTACELTYLDELTAMasters TESOLOther please specifyOther TEFL/ESL/EFL Teaching CertificateQTSTrinity CertTESOLTrinity DipTESOLTYLEC(choose more than one if applicable)Date of birth(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY If you have your CV or Resume available, please feel free to upload it, if not don’t worry we can get it at another time.CV Upload(Required) Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 1 GB, Max. files: 2. Consent ConfirmI confirm that the information in my application is complete and accurate, and I am aware the deliberate falsification or withholding of information could result in the withdrawal of any offer of employment. I understand that any offer of employment is subject to: a) references that will ask directly about your suitability to work with children b) a satisfactory DBS certificate including a check of the Barred list - UK only. A "Background check" is required for the USA, and "Certificato del Casellario Giudiziale" for Italy. c) a satisfactory medical report, if appropriate. I confirm that I have not been disqualified from working with children, cautioned or sanctioned in this regard. Creating Experiences, Changing Lives